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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
19:27, 25 May 2012 Zipped up (file) 751 KB 146S12T9   1
19:28, 25 May 2012 CmpE146 S12 T1 PythonServerDebugMessages.png (file) 23 KB S12T1   1
19:37, 25 May 2012 CMPE146 S12 T1 MP3PlayerWithWirelessModule.jpg (file) 141 KB S12T1   1
19:46, 2 June 2012 Devtutorial 2.png (file) 27 KB Preet   2
19:47, 2 June 2012 Devtutorial 3.png (file) 82 KB Preet   2
19:48, 2 June 2012 Devtutorial 6.png (file) 55 KB Preet   2
15:54, 7 June 2012 TutorialImage BootloaderMemoryMap.png (file) 16 KB Preet   2
05:55, 30 June 2012 Timer Based PING Sensor.JPG (file) 2.46 MB Himanshu Working of PING Sensor 1
06:00, 30 June 2012 Timer Based PING Sensor1.JPG (file) 1.43 MB Himanshu Working of PING Sensor 1
17:00, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial boardio.PNG (file) 13 KB Preet   1
17:00, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial docloc.PNG (file) 10 KB Preet   1
17:00, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial docs.PNG (file) 26 KB Preet   1
17:00, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial doxbutton.PNG (file) 28 KB Preet   1
17:01, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial doxyfile.PNG (file) 10 KB Preet   1
17:01, 25 August 2012 Devtutorial search.PNG (file) 6 KB Preet   1
22:39, 25 August 2012 Tutorial main function.png (file) 8 KB Preet   1
23:02, 28 August 2012 Asciitable.gif (file) 22 KB Preet Obtained from: 1
14:51, 1 September 2012 Eclipse yagarto.png (file) 11 KB Preet   1
15:13, 1 September 2012 Eclipse cortex.png (file) 11 KB Preet   1
15:13, 1 September 2012 Eclipse linker.png (file) 13 KB Preet   1
05:08, 29 September 2012 Scs commandline.png (file) 14 KB Preet   1
05:08, 29 September 2012 Scs tcp commandline.png (file) 31 KB Preet   1
04:58, 7 October 2012 Scs interface.png (file) 22 KB Preet new file 1
04:59, 7 October 2012 Scs graphs.png (file) 33 KB Preet   1
05:00, 7 October 2012 Scs logs.png (file) 22 KB Preet   1
05:04, 7 October 2012 Scs status new.png (file) 35 KB Preet   1
23:08, 13 October 2012 Scs hercules http.png (file) 30 KB Preet   1
23:30, 13 October 2012 Scs hardware picture.jpeg (file) 49 KB Preet   1
23:41, 13 October 2012 Scs overview.png (file) 34 KB Preet   3
22:38, 18 October 2012 Scs overview 2.png (file) 11 KB Preet   1
00:07, 30 October 2012 CMPE 146 F12 EWD Evil Watchdog.jpg (file) 103 KB Waymond f12 Source: 1
05:04, 1 November 2012 Webtutorial helloworld.png (file) 59 KB Preet   1
05:06, 1 November 2012 Webtutorial ajax output.png (file) 10 KB Preet   1
05:06, 1 November 2012 Webtutorial firebug post.png (file) 13 KB Preet   1
05:06, 1 November 2012 Webtutorial firebug resp.png (file) 11 KB Preet   1
05:10, 1 November 2012 Webtutorial error.png (file) 35 KB Preet   1
18:57, 2 November 2012 StateMachine10.png (file) 69 KB Charley State Machine Design 1
07:15, 30 November 2012 CMPE 146 F12 Evil Watchdog Toy Car.jpg (file) 30 KB Waymond f12 Source: 1
05:15, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 Block Diagram.jpg (file) 20 KB Anthony f12 Block Diagram of Pin Connections 1
05:20, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 Bus Architecture.jpg (file) 23 KB Anthony f12 LPC2148 Bus Architecture 1
05:24, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 LPC2148 Pin Configuration.jpg (file) 88 KB Anthony f12 LPC2148's Pin Configuration 1
05:25, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 Wifi Pin Configuration.jpg (file) 24 KB Anthony f12 RN-XV WiFly Module's Pin Configuration 1
05:27, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 TCP Client Open Connection.jpg (file) 78 KB Anthony f12 Hercules' TCP Client opening connection with RN-XV WiFly Module 1
05:28, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 TCP Client Send Commands.jpg (file) 82 KB Anthony f12 Hercules' TCP Client sending commands to RN-XV WiFly Module 1
05:29, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 UART1 Connection Established.jpg (file) 104 KB Anthony f12 Hercules' Serial displaying results of LPC2148 receiving commands from RN-XV WiFly Module 1
05:30, 3 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 T4 UART1 Receive Commands.jpg (file) 104 KB Anthony f12 Hercules' Serial displaying results of LPC2148 receiving commands from RN-XV WiFly Module 1
05:48, 7 December 2012 146 Schematics.pdf (file) 156 KB Waymond f12   1
06:50, 10 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 AYB Raspberry-Pi.jpg (file) 21 KB Tyler f12 Raspberry Pi Icon 1
06:54, 10 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 AYB TMSensorHW Diagram.png (file) 21 KB Tyler f12 Schematics for the Motion Sensor. Utilizes a Wi-Fi Chip and a Thermal Sensor 1
06:57, 10 December 2012 CmpE146 F12 AYB PIRThermalMotionSensor.jpeg (file) 22 KB Tyler f12 The Complete Prototype design of the Motion Sensor. When the alarm state is activated, the red light will turn on. 1
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